sexta-feira, 27 de dezembro de 2019


Good  night  !!!

"We do not know who will knock on the door for compassion, love and kindness. But if our mind is controlled by ego and selfishness, we will close the door and deny even the child of God a place to be born. Who knows who we are closing." perhaps that person is destined to be our savior in the future. On the other hand, whenever we become humble, whenever we find a place in our hearts for others, there Jesus is born. "

( Unknown author)

A big hug and a super blessed night to all.

Joy, health abundance ....

"Be a blood donor: life thanks you!"


  Bom dia  !!!! Ter fé é entender que não controlamos tudo, que há uma força maior que orquestra o universo. É saber que nossos esforços, ...