quinta-feira, 9 de abril de 2020


Good  night !!!!

I like those who say ‘good morning’, ‘good night’, ‘sorry’, ‘I miss you’ and ‘I like you’. From those who say ‘not today, but tomorrow’ and those who don’t promise to do it, but promise to try. Who makes me laugh ... who hears and puts up with me. I like someone who is a companion, loyal, friend, true and tantrum. I like who is real and who makes it easy to be me. I like to hear who hears me. To support those who support me. To embrace those who embrace me. To hold on to those who won't let me go. To stay where they want me. Taste. Much.

(Text by - Rita Leston)

A night super blessed by GOD to all.

Joy, health abundance

"Donating blood is a gesture of love for others."


  "A saudade é um sentimento que dança entre a dor e a ternura. É a memória viva de um instante que não volta, mas que permanece gravad...