quinta-feira, 18 de fevereiro de 2021

Good night !!!


Goodnight  !!!!

Life lesson

It is said that in the last century an American tourist went to Cairo, Egypt, to visit a famous sage. The tourist was surprised to see that the sage lived in a very simple room full of books. The only furniture was a bed, a table and a bench.

- Where are your furniture? I ask the tourist.

And the sage, very quickly, looked around and asked also:

- And where is your ...?

- My ?! The tourist was surprised. But I'm just passing through!

- Me too ... elaborated the sage.

"Life on Earth is just a passage ... However, some live as if they are going to stay here forever and forget to be happy."

(Unknown author)

A big hug and a super blessed night to all.

Joy, health, abundance ...

"Donating blood is a gesture of love for others."

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