sábado, 16 de julho de 2016


Good Day   !!!!

You can. You can. You are capable. Replace negative by sincere attempts of those who believe and strives to be better. Do it with enthusiasm. Do not give up without first try. Worry about what you feel and think. Do not be put off by insecurity. Change whenever you see fit and not prolong the suffering. Let the clean heart for the new reach. Recycle emotions and do not hold to what happened. Forgive yourself for the failures, be grateful for the opportunities and enjoy the challenges that life imposes to grow and mature their feelings, their thoughts and their will.

(Marcely Text Pieroni Gastaldi)

A strong hug ...... Blessed be our day ....

Joy, health abundance ....

Be a BLOOD donor LIFE thanks ....

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 Video Show.  Uma verdadeira lição.  " Você pode salvar até 4 vidas, procure um Hemogentro e seja um doador de sangue, a vida agradece....