quinta-feira, 21 de julho de 2016


Good evening !!!


Do not get used to him that makes him happy, revolt when deemed necessary.

Alague your heart to hope, but do not let it drown in them.

If you think you need to come back, come back!

If you realize you need to follow, follow!

If everything is wrong, start again.

If it's all right, continue.

If you miss, kill it.

If losing a love, do not miss!

If the find, hold it!

(Text Fernando Pessoa)

Sincerely, we blessed be our night.

Joy, health abundance.

"Be A BLOOD donor: LIFE thanks!"

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 Video Show.  Uma verdadeira lição.  " Você pode salvar até 4 vidas, procure um Hemogentro e seja um doador de sangue, a vida agradece....