sexta-feira, 14 de outubro de 2016


Good Night !!!!

'' It closes the day ... and open up the hidden boxes in us ... and them come dreams of all kinds, of all sizes, all colors that better cherish our spirit.
Let us take care of our collections fondly hope ... they are a priceless treasure. Let us each with special attention, such as flowers, cultivating with about as faithful friends ...
When all else fail, they will be there.
Intact, or perhaps even more robust and smiling ... full of life, in the gardens of God. Always waiting for us. Nourished with humble faith. Washed down with love. ''

(Gi Stadnicki Text)

A strong hug and a blessed day to all of us.

"Be a Blood donor: life thanks!"

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  História....... O menino que ensinou a professora .. No primeiro dia de aula, Dona Tomasa prometeu tratar todos os alunos com igualdade. ...