sábado, 17 de dezembro de 2016


                                         Beira Mar = São José Sta Catarina Brazil

Good  Night   !!!!

Get acquainted with everything, except with unhappiness, that anguish that sickens the soul, and astonishes the light of the eyes. Let hope never cease to be a priority, and the will to fight for each is the air we breathe. That persistence is our favorite shoe, and that we walk softly, in a path lined with flexibility ... that we live as humanly as possible, since the world does not need heroes, it needs to be committed and well resolved people, people who Is going away from what does not matter, and leaving much more free time to live the affections, the good will, the delicious reasons to be well with life! That yes!

(Text by Gi Stadnicki)

A big hug and a blessed night everyone ...

Joy, health, abundance ...

"Look for a HEMOCENTER, be a donor of BLOOD: life thanks."

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