terça-feira, 16 de maio de 2017


Good night!!!

To today ...
Do not carry weights, but experiences.
Do not throw rocks, but flowers.
Do not discredit, go ahead.
Do not lose faith, but fear.
Do not talk too much, use silence.
Do not stop dreaming, but be pessimistic.
Do not stop fighting, but be comfortable.
Do not live to complain, but to thank.
Do not want to solve everything, there are things
Which only God can do.

( Unknown author)

A big hug and a blessed day to all.

Joy, health abundance.

"Give blood, give life."


Bom dia  !!!! Meus pais foram casados por 55 anos. Certo dia, pela manhã, quando minha mãe descia para preparar o café da manhã para meu p...