domingo, 19 de novembro de 2017


 Good   day  !!!

May time allow us thousands of meetings and re-encounters of love. May life allow us to see beyond what we can see or touch. May our hearts allow us to love ever more and more whoever or whatever. Let people allow us to get close, because life lives demanding each of us. Let distance allow for longing but never forgetfulness. "
I wish you a wonderful day and be filled with happiness.
Kisses in the heart ...

(Text by Aghata Paredes)

A big hug and a blessed week everyone.

Joy, health, abundance

"Look for an HEMOCENTER, be a blood donor."


Bom dia  !!!! Meus pais foram casados por 55 anos. Certo dia, pela manhã, quando minha mãe descia para preparar o café da manhã para meu p...