sexta-feira, 24 de novembro de 2017


 Good  night  !!

Time and time again, life gives us some creeps, but then God comes and stands us, strengthens us, dries our tears, fills us with faith, power, and hope, and there we go all over again. Starting over in the certainty that it can and will be better. I just need to believe, trust, believe and walk without looking back, when I least expect it, I give a creep in life and I'm happy. I erect my banner of peace, I overflow joy and with simplicity blossom again, the same roots, but deeper, new leaves and flowers because when God comes into our life, everything becomes new.

(Text by Priscilla Rodighiero)

A big hug and a super blessed night.

Joy, health abundance.

"Be a giver of blood: life thanks!"


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