sexta-feira, 14 de setembro de 2018


 Good  day   !!

"I want to know, I will not leave the world black and white, because they stole my colors so many times, I will not stop believing in people because some have cut my wings and frustrated the little hope that I carried.I have extra doses of restart, I need to be what my soul whispers - from now on I'll listen calmly to what my heart says. "

(Text Vitor Ávila)

A big hug and a super blessed Friday at all.

Joy, health abundance .....

"Giving blood is an act of love to the next, be supportive."


  Bom dia!!! Sejamos justos. E não juízes. Não nos cabe julgar. Apenas respeitar e compreender. Só você conhece suas batalhas e sabe o peso...