domingo, 16 de setembro de 2018


 Good   day  !!!

Sometimes life surprises us and puts in our lives incredible people with a broad smile and a transparent soul. Take good care of those gifts that arrive lightly on clear days and silver nights, wrapped in tissue paper of the color that your heart most likes, with a beautiful tie as to say we are united to you bound by the sacred bonds of love and tenderness . Take care, zeal and justify their presence at your side, because life does not always give us so generously. Think about it!! _
_____________ (Te (Text by YáraUchôa)

A strong hug and a domngo super blessed with their families.

Joy, health abundance ....

"To donate blood is a gesture of love to the next, be supportive."


  Bom dia!!! Para Refletir!!!!!!! Depois de um longo e duro dia de trabalho, minha mãe colocou um prato com um pedaço de carne e um pão to...