sábado, 1 de dezembro de 2018


Good night  !!!

Over time
we realize that the very important thing
is to be our own Light,
those that illuminate paths when Life darkens the days;
is to live all our averse,
which show us little by little that
the reverse may be the more certain right one has;
and believe in those words
who come to our Heart,
intuition that
when the world cries out what we should be;
is to be Courage,
which gives us the strength to move on,
in the certainty that something good always happens,
because what is not here right now
God provides for us!

(Text by Inês Seibert)

A big hug and a super blessed night.

Joy, health abundance ......

"Donate blood: Your gesture can save lives!"


  Bom dia!!! Para Refletir!!!!!!! Depois de um longo e duro dia de trabalho, minha mãe colocou um prato com um pedaço de carne e um pão to...