domingo, 6 de janeiro de 2019


Good day    !!!!

I like people who have a garden
inside yourself; who spreads flowers
by the way
Which colors the days with smiles; that divides, knowing how to multiply ...
who never looks at you from above, who takes you off the ground,
which divides the bread.
I like people who know how to say no, but they have the right word that fits the piece that we lack ...
That does not let the look sad,
neither does the soul darken!

(Text by Inês Seibert)

A big hug and a super blessed Sunday with your family.

Joy, health abundance ......

"Giving blood helps save many lives, let us be in solidarity."


  Curiosidade...... Os cientistas descobriram que as formigas, depois de coletarem os grãos e sementes necessários para se alimentarem, es...