terça-feira, 1 de janeiro de 2019


Good night   !!!!

Proceed toward what God prepares you, continue believing, trusting, exercising faith and gratitude. Carry on carrying with you the love, forgiveness, and such a willingness to start over in a different way. Proceed by embracing opportunities. Proceed because your life has purposes, and no matter how many lions, giants, bears and serpents you have to overcome, go on trusting in God, and in the strength of your power. Let 2019 come, and let things happen as they should. We were born to win ...

(Text by Cecilia Sfalsin)

A big hug and a super blessed night to all.

Joy, health abundance ....

"Give blood, this gesture can save lives."


Bom dia  !!! Nunca permitas que ninguém te faça esquecer quem tu és. A vida pode ser cheia de vozes que tentam moldar-te: caminhos que tent...