quinta-feira, 3 de janeiro de 2019


Good night   !!!

When you have faith, the impossible does not reach you. The pause becomes necessary and the fear finally disobeys. The balance is returned so that new flights are finally lifted. The faith that restores you is the one that heals and frees you when all seems lost and entangled. It is before love that everything changes. You acknowledge that you are not alone and donate yourself in the form of gratitude. The practice of good without looking at who finally makes sense. And you discover that charity begins at home. With little attitudes that really move your world.
The faith that sustains you, is enough to receive your fears and to support your doubts. It drives you to follow even if there are no directions. It is faith in God's action that accentuates his life, organizes his messes, and softens his torments.
Believe it! The time of God is perfect and in him the unreachable has no time.

(Text by MarcelyPieroniGastaldi.)

A big hug and a super blessed night.

joy, health abundance ......

"Give blood this gesture can save lives."


  Bom dia!!! Sejamos justos. E não juízes. Não nos cabe julgar. Apenas respeitar e compreender. Só você conhece suas batalhas e sabe o peso...