sexta-feira, 1 de fevereiro de 2019


Good day     !!!

Overcome your fear. Overcome your limitations. Do not create obstacles to stagnate in doubt. It motivates. It moves. Get rid of the impossible. Embrace now. It resets. Let the life unwind. Do not create expectations. Empower your hopes and begin again.
No hurry not to get lost.
Give your dreams a chance to flourish - but be able to grow the garden.
Do not expect everything to fall from the sky - they are constructions that life gives itself.
And do not detract from your strength.

(Text by MarcelyPieroniGastaldi)

A big hug and a super blessed Friday at all.

Joy, health abundance ......

"Giving blood is a gesture of love to the next."


  Cada um vê o mundo com seu olhar, cores que brilham, tons a mudar. O que é sonho para uns, para outros, pode pesar. Há quem veja flore...