domingo, 3 de fevereiro de 2019


Good night   !!!!

Raise your heart in prayer!
But avoid reciting read or decorated formulas.
Let spontaneous words come out of your heart, as you do when you talk to a dear friend.
Prayer is not an obligation for someone to disengage to "get rid of a burden".
Pray fervently, but feel the words you speak, so that the connection with the angelic Entities is effective and real.
Make prayer an indispensable habit for spiritual health.

A big hug to all and a super blessed night to all.

Joy, health abundance .....

"Be sober: Give blood, life thanks."


  Bom dia!!! Sejamos justos. E não juízes. Não nos cabe julgar. Apenas respeitar e compreender. Só você conhece suas batalhas e sabe o peso...