sábado, 17 de agosto de 2019


Good    day  !!!

May our life be established in these

extra handfuls of courage that

We learned to conquer.

There is a why in everything, what hurts today hurts less tomorrow, plans change,

people change, we change too

because of the situations.

So we grew up with the roughness,

We become strong as we face and do not escape from what has come to us.

So be it, days of struggle,

of great faith, learning ...

(Author Lanna Borges✍)

May we have a super bright Saturday.

Joy, health abundance .....

"Donating blood is an act of love for others."


  Boa Noite  !!! Eu te desejo vida, longa vida Te desejo a sorte de tudo que é bom De toda alegria, ter a companhia Colorindo a estrada...