segunda-feira, 25 de novembro de 2019


Good   night    !!!

Who says life doesn't make you cry?
It does, and makes you cry a lot,
But it also gives us belly pain and
It makes you gasp from laughing so many times.
Who says living doesn't hurt?
It hurts, cuts, bleeds, but it also gives us unspeakable pleasures.
Who says life has no obstacles, chasms, breaks and
Times when we think of giving up everything?
It has and is not little, after all, life is not a straight and linear line.
But that's what we call life, isn't it?
And life would certainly not taste so much if it were from another
That wasn't it!

(Text by Edna Frigato.)

A big hug and a super blessed night to all.

Joy, health abundance .......

"Donating blood is an act of love for others."


 Video Show.  Uma verdadeira lição.  " Você pode salvar até 4 vidas, procure um Hemogentro e seja um doador de sangue, a vida agradece....