Quem eu realmente sou? Sou um alguém inteiro, feliz, que não se limita a estereótipos, pois mudo, não sou estático, mas acima de tudo tenho amor-próprio e respeito pelo meu eu, pela vida que tenho e por todos que me cercam.
quarta-feira, 11 de dezembro de 2019
Good day !!!!
Calm down ... look ... listen
See around you the magic of life happening to you and to you
Sit down ... feel it ... notice
Color the moment with your pure and conscious presence
Drink from the subtle instant ...
Understand that here is the only place
Understand that now is the only time
Realize that Being is omnipresent
Enjoy yourself, meditate on yourself, dive ...
And discover your infinite greatness
Your exuberant nature
Where everything has its place where nothing can even touch you
Be, Life, Love, Heart
Everlasting silence, infinite peace and celebration!
(Text by Amidha Prem)
A big hug and a very blessed Wednesday to all.
Joy, health abundance ......
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