segunda-feira, 21 de setembro de 2015

Learned .......... ......

Learned .......... .......

Learned      .....                  .......

I learned to write by reading, as q learn to speak ouvindo.Naturalmente, almost unwillingly, in a kind of method subliminar.Em my childhood, was that if encantação.Lia continuously and eagerly one Mundaréu stories (not stories) especially Tico - Teco.Mas it read run, sentence after sentence, from beginning to end.

Now, children hj not get used to read properly, because just look at the figures of these comics, whose "text" is limited to simple phrases interjetivas and yet often incorrect. At bottom a faseologia of squeaks and howls a subliteratura man of cavernas.Exagerei Well done! But if these children, poor things, never acquired the habit of reading, how will one day write?

(Mario Quintana)

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