quinta-feira, 15 de outubro de 2015


Good day !!!           ..........

'' Amanheçamos Preparations for the best.
To turn the pages already read and reread and writing News of life.
Prepared to cultivate good eyes, They see that all hope of a thousand colors.
If so our mood dawns, we have at last a chance to harvest the freshest and Lindos fruits of all that God is good to us.
Who are of the size Our Faith and Our willingness to be happy. "

Big hug ...... Bless your day ......

Joy, health, abundance

(Gi Stadnicki)

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  Boa Noite  !!!! A casa da gente é mais do que um espaço físico, é um refúgio, um abraço silencioso onde a alma encontra descanso. Ali, e...