Quem eu realmente sou? Sou um alguém inteiro, feliz, que não se limita a estereótipos, pois mudo, não sou estático, mas acima de tudo tenho amor-próprio e respeito pelo meu eu, pela vida que tenho e por todos que me cercam.
quarta-feira, 28 de outubro de 2015
Good Night ! ! !
"... It's not as simple living life Sometimes it contains unforeseeable and unavoidable chapters Every human being goes through turmoil in your life A lack some bread on the table;.... Others, the joy in the soul A fight to survive. Others are rich and wealthy, but beg the bread of tranquility and happiness. so there miserable living in palaces and rich living in shacks. life is beautiful, but is not as simple live it. sometimes she looks like a huge garden. suddenly, the landscape changes and it presents arid as a desert or steep as the hills. Regardless of the rocks that we have to climb, every human being has an incredible strength. and many are unaware that They have ... "
Big hug ..... Great dreams .....
Joy, health, abundance
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