domingo, 24 de janeiro de 2016


Good    Night     ! ! !

"Do not expect people to fight their war cry your tears or walk with their feet. No one, however you want, can be put in place. You are unique and their learning is not transferable. Do not create expectations. There lean. Do not expect recognition. Ask for help when you need it, but do not depend on anyone. Do not blame yourself. Do not cover. Use the tools available and evolve as you can. be thankful for every experience, be it good or bad. Bless his past. living the present. Believe you're doing the best you can and let your conscience applaud you ... "

Sincerely ....... Beautiful dreams

Joy, health, abundance ......

(Juliana Nishiyama Text)

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Bom dia  !!! "Não é sobre o que você reclama e sim sobre o que você lembra de agradecer. A vida na Terra não é fácil mesmo, vai ter ...