domingo, 13 de março de 2016


Good   Night  !!!

God has prepared something for you, better than you expect. It does not take, he fancies. And when you really get, you will understand why it took so long. Wait in God's time ... And you know what God's time?

It is the time of renunciation, to devote himself to God, the time when God tests us to deserve your blessings.

And this time, even if you are not seeing "nothing" happens, there is a miracle happening, and even if we can not see, remember always, our God's vision goes beyond our own, and even if it is not possible to understand their plans, we have to just trust, and be patient.

Do not be discouraged, do not change what God has for you with things of the world, with desires and foolish things, because all this is temporary and leaves scars. Since God does, it lasts forever, and when "this" person comes, the imperfect disappears.

God knows exactly what is best for you. Trust Him and the best for you, He will do!

God makes no mistakes, no failure, not long. When He wants no one prevent, who change or disrupt their plans. What he does is perfect, it's bigger, it's better than you can imagine, will in faith, not in luck! Trust in the Lord, and He will do it!

A strong hug ..... Blessed night ..... Beautiful dreams

Joy, sapude abundance ....

(Yla Fernandes Text)

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  Existem vazios que só se preenchem com um pouco de si mesmo. Aprenda que a vida do outro, a casa do outro, o coração do outro, são todos...