quinta-feira, 24 de março de 2016


Good  Night   !!!!!

When my heart is sensitive and arid,

It comes to me with a shower of mercy.

When life losing the charm,

It comes to me with a burst of songs.

When tumultuous work spread

throughout its noise,

isolating me from the furthest

come to me, Lord of Silence, with your peace and serenity.

When my heart is cowardly beggar

huddled in a corner, break into the door,

my king, and come to me with the pomp of a king.

When the desire to blind my mind with illusions and dust,

O thou, the only holy and Vigilante,

come to me with your lightning and your thunder.

A strong hug ..... Blessed night ..... Lindos dreams ...

Joy, health abundance .....

(Rabindranath Tagore Text)

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