domingo, 10 de abril de 2016


Good Night !!!!

Sometimes, you need to defragment the disk of our memory. Let accumulating hurts, traumas, unresolved issues ... Anyway things that make our mental diffuse program. It is both accumulated garbage that prevents us to organize positively by more than we have ideas, feelings and good attitudes. The best news is that we are ourselves responsible for storage. A good therapy help, good advice too, but it is up to us the task of reorganizing the house. Only we know what you can recycle, which is good for us and what we need to delete from our lives. Not so simple! However, with Willpower, Focus, and especially faith, everything falls into place. Believe!

A strong hug ...... Blessed be your day ......

Joy, health plenty ......

Text Rosicarmen Xavier

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  “Existe uma coisa difícil de ser ensinada e que, talvez por isso, esteja cada vez mais rara: a elegância do comportamento. É a elegância ...