sábado, 2 de julho de 2016


Good  Night !!!!

Have faith, for every question your heart God will always have an answer for every problem in your life He will always have a solution for each decision you have to take He will always give you the necessary wisdom and every choice needs, He will always be your direction. Nothing prevents you from acting in your life, because no one more than try to have the power to judge, condemn and nullify whom He (God) chose to love, care for and forgive. Worry about pleasing God and ignore the evil that try to follow you. -

(Cecilia Sfalsin Text)

Sincerely .... Blessed be our night ... Beautiful dreams.

Joy, health abundance .....

Donate Blood Give Life A gesture of love of neighbor

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  Bom dia!!! Sejamos justos. E não juízes. Não nos cabe julgar. Apenas respeitar e compreender. Só você conhece suas batalhas e sabe o peso...