sábado, 1 de abril de 2017


Good  night  !!!

May God take us, far from us,
Everything that diminishes us,
Everything that slows us down,
Everything that we think is good and it is not.
May he free us from delusions and illusions,
That allows us to make decisions today,
Which formerly, empty attachments made impossible.
Broaden our vision ...
That narrows our pride ...
To mold us to His Will.

(Text by Gi Stanicki)
A blessed night to all

A strong hug, joy, health abundance ..

"Let's donate blood ...... let's give life,"


  Bom dia!!! Para Refletir!!!!!!! Depois de um longo e duro dia de trabalho, minha mãe colocou um prato com um pedaço de carne e um pão to...