quinta-feira, 20 de junho de 2019


Good day    !!!!!

Today I decided to open the drawers of my soul. I packed, put everything in its place. I threw away what no longer suited me, and kept with care the pieces that so sweetly welcome me. I gave up moldy resentments, old-fashioned sorrows, fears filled with moths ... to spare as much space as possible to keep what really serves me, dresses me, warms me and makes me better. (I.e.

(Text by Erick Tozzo.)

A big hug and a super blessed Thursday at all.

Joy, health abundance .....

"Be supportive, donate blood ......."


  Para refletir.. Um dos homens mais ricos e poderosos do Brasil, Chiquinho Scarpa, fez o mundo parar quando anunciou que iria enterrar o ...