domingo, 6 de setembro de 2015


The deaf-mute

The Homeland week invites to "love with faith and pride the land of our birth" We are committed to the common good, of coexistence and national integration. We are the Brazilian people and at the same time, with most of God's people. Not for nothing is recognized that God is Brazilian. This means duty to live the faith in Him. We not always have the people of God consciousness and not fight to save this.

Mark's Gospel speaks of a deaf-mudo.Entendemos the physical condition of a man unable to hear and speak. It should extend it to the psychological condition. Today's man closes on itself. Even if you listen a lot, not escuta.Mesmo who speaks much, is not heard. Closes on itself, despite the powerful means of communication today has.

Speaking and listening are not restricted to the issue of sound and much less to the acceptance of barulho.Falar and hear it live, is to communicate, it's out of loneliness, it is dialogue. Unfortunately coexistence becomes today increasingly difficult, both in society and in the family, both in the nation and the community. The Tower of Babel was one shirt. Entendiam.Não but not for lack of sounds, but by opposing and selfish interests.

The World Youth Day has shown that it is possible to understand even without speaking the same language. The condition is not in the media, but in the heart and goals. The Christian faith brings people together around Christ. Enables a fruitful communication of all.

(Dom Dadeus Grings)

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  Bom dia  !!! CURIOSIDADE O povo Bajau é a primeira tribo do mundo a evoluir para se adaptar à vida debaixo do mar. Passam a vida inteira...