segunda-feira, 5 de outubro de 2015


Good  Night   ! ! !                              ....

There are people who sees all with an absurd seriousness. We should laugh more of life and misfortunes. Of course, sometimes the thing curls, presses, complicates weighs. But you have to learn to turn it up, laugh, laugh, laugh. Laughing insanely. Laugh awkwardly. Laugh outrageously. Invent a laugh and laugh at him. Invent a laugh and laugh himself. Invent and laugh at yourself.

Big hug ........ Great dreams

Joy, health, abundance .....

(Clarissa Corrêa)

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  --Na jornada da vida... Caminhe com quem te ama, mas nunca fique à frente dele porque não repararias se por acaso ele parasse por cau...