quinta-feira, 7 de janeiro de 2016



Life is a collection of attitudes. We do our path based on all the good that we do, whether to our affections or strange our relationship, the important thing is to add the lives of others, preferably to the lives of the enemy, it may be a so-called friend.

We must encourage ways, for surely in some part of our journey the alley can be dark, forbidden and inaccessible, then you will prove your favor, by fair hands, which offer you what proporcionaste is the anachronistic law, and God will be followed with watchful eyes.

Well watch every attitude that ye have, because they are mirrors where you consider it your image, then sow and reap greatly with soft abundance.

Do not take bad attitudes with others, because everyone does so, it would be doing you one more devoid of good heart; take a chance at humanization capacity and let each do their planting, according to his good farmer capacity.

Dear friend of collaboration Marilda Amaral- ESTEIO RS BRAZIL

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