sábado, 2 de janeiro de 2016



"Many people have passed through our lives and went their ways to distant horizons. Although we have lived moments of full alliance, are gone from our lives simply because participation was bound to be eternal, were walking souls, delighted our history or even if they have caused some grief, still left a teaching legacy, for they were part of an era, a moment of life. But those people that time is not able to become distant from our lives and hearts, these alliances are not of an age, but Brothers of Light beside which walked toward the eternal path of learning, growth, strengthening and lighting. in this time ... They are kindred spirits for eternity! "

Text Nicoli Miranda

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  Boa Noite  !!! Eu te desejo vida, longa vida Te desejo a sorte de tudo que é bom De toda alegria, ter a companhia Colorindo a estrada...