quinta-feira, 11 de maio de 2017


Good day  !!!

If you put it in your head that everything will go wrong, and you mentalise all the time that everything does not walk, that nothing improves, what you attract? The weight of your disbelief.
You do not allow yourself to look around. He prefers to create the gray haze to draw a spot of light. Everything is confrontation.
If you accept that everything can be different, you act. Although it is not only up to you, the quality of the weather will at least be better taken advantage of.
If you spread love and encouragement instead of propagating your discontent, you move forward for peace.

(Text by Marcely Pieroni Gastald)

A big hug and a blessed day to all.

Joy, health abundance.

"Be a giver of blood: life thanks."


  Bom dia  !!! CURIOSIDADE O povo Bajau é a primeira tribo do mundo a evoluir para se adaptar à vida debaixo do mar. Passam a vida inteira...