quinta-feira, 19 de abril de 2018


 Good   day  !!!

We always know the right time to leave behind what has wounded our hearts and stole our peace, and it is so good to feel that light breeze that caresses the face and makes an abode in the heart ... when the pride breaks down and the forgiveness is healing everything from the inside ... I feel it is time to be born again, to regain what is in fact my right and to love as one who believes that the first step to captivate someone comes through respect and empathy. And may it be me then - I shall begin again with myself!

(Text by VitorÁvila)

A big hug and a super blessed Thursday at all.

Joy, health abundance ......

"Be a giver of blood: life thanks!"


  Boa Noite  !!! Eu te desejo vida, longa vida Te desejo a sorte de tudo que é bom De toda alegria, ter a companhia Colorindo a estrada...