domingo, 22 de abril de 2018


 Good  night  !!!

Hopefully we will not give up being who we are for nothing and no one in this world.
May we recognize the power of the other without forgetting ours.
Let the lies of others not confuse our truths, even if lies and truths are impermanent.
What a chill not be able to encabulate our most beautiful heat.
That, even when we are hurting, let us not lose sight or dream of the idea of joy.
I hope that despite all our apprehensions, we will continue to have enough courage not to give up feeling happy.

( Unknown author )

A big hug and a super blessed night.

Joy, health abundance ......

"To donate blood is a gesture of love to the next, be supportive."


 Video Show.  Uma verdadeira lição.  " Você pode salvar até 4 vidas, procure um Hemogentro e seja um doador de sangue, a vida agradece....