quarta-feira, 18 de abril de 2018


 Good  night  !!!

Every night, I turn off the light and lie down believing that the day that awaits me in tomorrow will come better. I calm the thoughts that worry me, I rest my heart from the anguish, and I rest with the patience and quiet of those who already know how to wait for the time of God. I know that nothing happens without Him knowing. Nothing comes and nothing goes without Him willing. Throughout our long history on the roads of life, everything is He who writes, everything is He who brings. I have learned to understand that there are dreams to be realized after the light goes out. We are not perfect, but God always gives us what we deserve and dreams. Hope always exists. Faith always edifies. Dream with new days, imagine new achievements, wait for doors to open, open new paths, trust, follow and never give up, for God never gives up on you!

(Text by Cleonio Dourado.)

A big hug and a super blessed night.

Joy, health, abundance .......

"Donating blood is a gesture of solidarity: life thanks!"


 Video Show.  Uma verdadeira lição.  " Você pode salvar até 4 vidas, procure um Hemogentro e seja um doador de sangue, a vida agradece....