domingo, 23 de julho de 2017


 Good  night !!


  Do not get used to what does not make you happy, revolt when you deem it necessary.
Wipe your heart with hope, but do not let him drown in them.
If you think you need to come back, come back!
If you realize you need to follow, follow!
If everything is wrong, start again.
If it's all right, continue.
If you miss it, kill it.
If you lose a love, do not get lost!
If you find him, hold him!

( Unknown author)

A big hug, blessed night everyone

Joy, health abundance.

"Look for an HEMOCENTER, be a blood donor."


  História.... Uma senhora entrou no banco com passos tranquilos, carregando a serenidade de quem já atravessou muitas tempestades. Aproxim...