domingo, 30 de julho de 2017


 Good  night  !!

How do you measure a person? The sizes vary according to the degree of involvement. She is huge to you when you talk about what you have read and lived, when you treat her with love and respect, when you look into the eyes and smile unlocked. A person is a giant when you are interested in your life, when you are looking for alternatives to your growth when you dream together. It is not the height, the weight, or the muscles that make a person big. It's your sensibility without size. "

(Text by Martha Medeiros.)

A big hug and a great night to everyone.

Joy, health abundance .....

"Be a blood donor: life thanks!"


  História.... Uma senhora entrou no banco com passos tranquilos, carregando a serenidade de quem já atravessou muitas tempestades. Aproxim...