sábado, 15 de julho de 2017


Good  day !!!

We are much stronger than we imagine ourselves to be. And, we only come to the conclusion when life confronts us without giving options. You realize that - even though the stones hurt under your injured feet - walking is no longer just an option. It is an imposition of fate. And even hurting, even without understanding, you do not reject this new road. You walk with gratitude, for you know that no walk is in vain!

(Author Unknown)

A big hug, blessed be our day.

Joy, health abundance.

"To be a donor of BLOOD is an act of love to the next."


  Boa noite!!! Poema sobre a Velhice Por José Saramago Quantos anos eu tenho? O que importa isso? Tenho a idade que escolho e que sinto...